Wednesday, August 28, 2013

been awhile, but I haven't gone away

I haven't been as strict tracking my calories with Sparkspeople, but I have been eating pretty clean and exercising regularly.

Got a little sloppy for a while, but I seem to be losing some weight again.. *knocks on wood*


Monday, July 15, 2013

sloppy week...

for a variety of reasons, I wasn't able to complete the full weekly exercise component of my program, that being said, I still rode my bike everyday and took the dogs for their nightly jaunt...

The last few days due to birthday celebratory reasons I also intentionally didn't track my daily calorie consumption.

I am back on track today and for the next few months...


I am at 230lbs!  


Sunday, June 30, 2013

behind on my what else is new? the story of my life...

Well, considering that I didn't lift weights this week and I missed the usual extra long Thursday bike ride, and I ate really shitty for a few days, I still lost a pound...

I don't want to push my luck week I am back on the weights and hopefully more disciplined eating...


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Freakin' Plateaus!!!!


My weight loss has seemed to have plateaued I seem trapped at the 231lb range and have been here for a few weeks...

Either my metabolism has failed or my body is reconfiguring it's muscle/fat ratio and hopefully moving forward I will start losing more of the lb's...Or 231lbs is a body set point I just have to bust through with consistent exercise and sensible eating...

I am going to be stricter with my calorie counting...

I am also going to change up my weight training program a little bit, the 5x5 heavy lifting is taking it's toll and I am now going to add a "deloading" aspect to my work-out, this is a method to still increase strength and allow for growth, but also allow for recovery...

hopefully better news next week


Sunday, June 16, 2013

6 months down...

Well, It has been six months of sensible eating and a committed exercise regimen.

While my weight has been fluctuating by a few pounds here and there, as of today I have lost 54 pounds, an average of 9 lbs a months, which is pretty close to my weekly goal of 2.5 lbs a week.

My knees and ankles feel a lot better and I seem to have more energy too, I also enjoy my time in the gym or on the rowing machine, it really helps clear my head.

Granted I have had a few plateaus and while those are frustrating I am gonna stick with the plan.

I must confess over the last few weeks I have got sloppy with my eating and I am going to have to reign that back in a bit and make the smart choices that I did way back in January.

I am also taking a week off of the weights due to a sore right hip flexor, I am going to be sensible and not "train through the pain"...Currently I asm researching stretches and when the weight training aspect of my program resumes, I am doing a "reload" or slight reduction in weight while I stress proper form and over time this will make me strong as my body recovers and the weights are gradually increased.

I have a goal for end of Sept and I want to hit it!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

still at it!

looks like I missed posting last week, not much to report really, on track...working out and monitoring my calories


Monday, May 27, 2013

weird...good, min you...but weird...

I decided to take Monday off and not lift weights that day, tuesday I set a new PR for my 30 minute basically I kept to my plan fitness wise, it's ok to miss a day now then then, it gives the apparatus a little more time to recover... food wise I was pretty good too...I could be better, and I will be...but I won't beat myself up...the good news is I lost some weight!

and to quote Eddie Kendricks, I will "Keep On Truckin' BABYYYYyyyy"